Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Compre time

Man, I just love this course. This has the only course which I have studied till now, having all the evaluated component as open book. The course is ES C263 - Microprocessor Programming and Interfacing. In BITS, each and every course need to have some of its component as open book. Courses like biology, considered to be much of a cramming thing, also do have some of its evaluated component as open book. This is one of the things I just love about this institute.
Had compre /* read - semester examination */ of muP /* read - Microprocessor Programming and Interfacomg */ today. Fine, we are not going to discuss how it was, but I just enjoyed this open book stuff.

Yes, compres are going on.... but I am still blogging, the next one, day after tomorrow, is electrical sciences - II, all the tranformer and AC, DC machines. Now, this course I can say... sucks. And yeah, this course is a record holder. I got 5/60 in test 2 in ES-2. Previous record was 6/60, in mechsol /* read mechanics of solids */, last sem. Yeah, this is not a thing to boast around... but I am in no mood to study this course at the moment. And I prefer blogging and music at full volume with headphones /*current track - Lonely World by Limp Bizkit */. I just pray my mind changes after dinner atleast. Currently I am 56/180 in the course, with 120 marks compre left. Well hey, the average is 66, so I am not thaaaat far behind. But yeah.. need to do something... this CG thing... need to do something for it.

After that one, its a five day break, then other three will follow. So, fine, next post on that break.
Over and out...

FIND OF THE DAY : Frogs have it easy. They can eat what bugs them.

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