Monday, February 23, 2009

Super Human - Homo Sapiens 2.0

The following thoughts come to my mind due to 'Pharyngytes' ( must be misspelled here, from which I am suffering now. A throat infection. And because of that, I had fever and bodyache also. And now a days, as one of my friends is doing MBBS, each time a health issue comes up, I discuss it with my friend and try to understand it better. But yeah, this practice, I have started lately only, so, don't have much knowledge yet. And yes, this is the perfect time, as I don't have perfect knowledge, so I can put in my curiosity in my blog :) I had read this some years back, in Gen B ( read general biology, my course in first semester in bits) that these like fever, swelling etc, are body's reaction to some foreign activities. By this, our body tries to kill the intruders ( or maybe its just an alarm in some cases). And yes, we take them as symptoms of some abnormality and try to cure by killing the intruders, generally by correct medicines. Now, what I am wondering is, biological creatures do evolve.. and there are a few diseases which almost all the human suffer atleast once in their lives (in general), say throat infection, or common cold ( or is it just a symptom :O), viral fever (infection). And our body does react to it (fever, body-ache etc). So our body knows that such bad boys ( viruses, bacteria do exists). I reacts in a general way to them all, say increasing the body temperature, or swelling of throat, or so on. Now, after repeated attacks, our body should be able to identify the intruders and also the perfect way to destroy them ( this may require some iterations ( intelligent or plain hit and trials, as per the adaptation theoery says)). So, then, our DNA must be reprogrammed ( read evolution/adaptation) to handle these viruses more efficiently. And the ultimate state will be when as soon as the body is attacked, quickly (maybe within hours), or body is able to destroy them completely and we are back to normal. So this way, these common ailments should just vanish. And hey, it is definitely possible, we all know ( i hope so), that there was a time that mosquitoes were killed using DDT, but after repeated use, they became resistant to it. So, I guess we human should also become resistant to these repeated attacks of viruses. Fine, maybe the DDT used each time was excatly same, and the viruses causing common cold vary a little in different attacks. So, maybe we take more time to adapt... but how much.. maybe a few hundred generations, that might mean some ten thousand years, or maybe some hundred thousand or a million year... But with my limited knowledge, I do believe that we will evolve to super humans, and the next version, Homo Sapiens 2.0 wil be free of these bugs..err... biological ailments.. :P (yeah I am an engineering guy :P) So, hey people in the development team, just improve the DNA code a little bit more, and we are surely going to be better. PS : Well, it might take some time to settle down some bigger bugs , but I guess they can also be handled.

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