Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Report submission : Task accomplished

I was anxiously waiting to write this post, but just dint get the time. Well, actually its not that big thing, but still, after all, that was my first report submission in BITS. Though it was not really for the first time that I prepared a report myself, I did that in senior secondary level also, but this was a bit more professional, it was 'Recent Trends in Mobile Communication'. Gathered a lot of data over the net past few weeks, consulted book, newspapers /* yeah, this part a bit exaggerated :P */. I guess we should have started some concrete work that time only. We had over two and a half months to prepare that report, but we worked just for last two and a half days.
Those two and a half days... we started the real thing saturday night. Had to submit the report by tuesday, 1200hrs. And I tell you, two and a half days are not enough to prepare a report of about 20-25 pages. But obviously, we realised it a bit late :P. But those two and a half days, we worked day and night, literally. This sweet lil' lapT of gautam, it was hit the worse. All those hours, continuosly, the work was on on the lapT, either me or gautam, all the time atleast one of us was on duty. It was only when we went for some meal, this AMD Turion 64 got lil' rest. Our sleeping shifts did get alter, we slept in small shifts of 3-4 hours. Thanks to our time table, dint attended a single class on monday /* though attended the movie show in the evening... fast and the furious 3 : tokyo drift.. it was really guuud.. nice music, sexy babes and ofcourse... super sexy machines */. Initially planned to get the report printed by monday evenings. Obviously we dint meet the deadline. Worked over the report monday night also. I declared the reported completed at 0940 hrs on tuesday /* that came after workin continously from 0430 hrs during that stretch, and yeah.. before that, gautam was on duty */. There was a slight possibility that we get it printed in the moring on tuesday, before 1200hrs, but got a bit lazy. Postponed it to evening. The stuff was ready, we just had to get it printed. But thanks heaven... we did get it printed in the evening and submited it. And as far as dealine is considered, we atleast submitted it on the same day. It was around 1640 hrs.. when I said...phew.
Time for a lil celebration... for the first time went to vyas redi... /* just in front of our bhawan, vyas bhawan, that's how it got its name */. Had my favourite sam chat... it tasted really good that time.

FIND OF THE DAY : I'm not totally useless! I can be used as a bad example.

PS : If you think that this useless stuff was a bit too much detailed leading to boredome... i'll say, i agree... but who cares :P


Amisha Khera said...
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