Monday, October 16, 2006

OASIS 2006 : Inaug

It was quite hyped, last time also I missed it, but this time pretty determined to watch it. We did set our target as 0830 hrs, to get someplace to sit in the audi, were 30 mins late, consequences, remain standing in the balcony for over 90 mins, somehow manage to sit on the steps for next 90 mins. We were expecting some 'scintillationing' performances by our Mime club and dance club. But it was inaug, had some other stuff also in there. It took quite a much time there. The chief guest... Mr. Mani Shankar... an ex-BITSian Chemicalite, now better known as film maker and advertiser though. His speech was both entertaining and inspiring, really liked that one. But the other proceedings, considered to be boring by most of the junta, but I really dint mind it, it ought to be there, its the formal inaug.
Finally after around 90-100 mins of so called 'boring' stuff, the real thing begin, which we all were waiting for. It was a really nice performance by Mime club, in between we had our dance club... even better, I must say. But junta was not happy for we have noticable delays in between the performances... it dint bothered me much.. I was just thinkin stuff like.. they need to adjust the lights and all... but still... many of us questioned if it was worth it.... with so much physical labour... to see one mime and three dance performances in three hours.... I would say YES... mayb I am being too optimistic... or mayb the other way... they are too lazy...:P

Next stop... Fusion and Tarang.. music events... missed both of them last time.. hopin for the best this time.

FIND OF THE DAY : Remember half the people you know are below average.

PS: Expecting a comment or two from one on those regular readers of my blogs :P

1 comment:

Gautam Chaudhari said...

Well I guess you saw how I remained sleeping in the evening.No hard feelings,I knew you were doing it for the best,but really speaking,I had made up my mind not to attend it.So it was not an issue as such....